Секция БРИКС по проекту "Цифровая Земля"

Понедельник, 23 сентября 2024 г., 14:30-16:30
Секция БРИКС по проекту "Цифровая Земля"
​Аудитория А518

Ведущие: Степаненко Виктор Михайлович, Мортиков Евгений Валерьевич

14:30-14:45 The INMCM Earth System Model as a climate change prediction tool
Bragina Vasilisa (INM RAS, Russia), Volodin Evgeny (INM RAS, Russia), Gritsun Andrey (INM RAS, Russia), Tarasevich Maria (INM RAS, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia), Chernenkov Alexey (INM RAS, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia)

14:45-15:00 Land surface model TerM: towards an integral flexible tool for predicting ecological and hydrological responses to climate change
Stepanenko V. (RCC MSU, Russia), Bogomolov V. (IMCES SB RAS, Russia), Medvedev A. (RCC MSU, Russia)

15:00-15:15 TBA [online]
Mohomi, T. (UoL, South Africa) et al.

15:15-15:30 Development of high-resolution 3D adaptive-mesh finite-element regional
atmospheric model and its GPU acceleration
Jinxi Li (IAP CAS, China), Leisheng Li (IS CAS, China), Xiaofei Wu (SAS CUIT, China), Chengxin Guo (ICT CAS, China), Jie Zheng (IUE CAS, China), Junmin Xiao(ICT CAS, China), Zifa Wang (IAP CAS, China), Jiang Zhu (IAP CAS, China)

15:30-15:45 Large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer: mastering model complexity and HPC performance
Mortikov E.V.(RCC MSU, INM RAS, Russia), Debolskiy A.V.(RCC MSU, IAP RAS, Russia), Gashchuk E.M.(INM RAS, RCC MSU, Russia), Glazunov A.V. (INM RAS, RCC MSU, Russia)

15:45-16:00 An Overview of the RioNowcast Project [online]
Bezerra Eduardo (CEFET/RJ, Brazil), Ferro Mariza (UFF, Brazil), Porto Fabio (LNCC, Brazil)

16:00-16:15 How AI algorithms can be leveraged on HPC platforms to assess disaster risk and vulnerability [online]
Khare Manoj (CDAC, India) et al.