Keynote Sessions

Monday, September 23, 2024, 10:00-11:15
Keynote Session 1
Conference Hall

Conference Opening
Vladimir Voevodin 
Moscow State University, Russia

High Performance Computing Making Impact in Science and Socio-Economic Developments in South Africa
Happy Sithole
National Integrated Cyberinfrastructure System (NICIS), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa

South Africa has invested into High Performance Computing in the past decade and half, mainly to drive developments in science and engineering and also to tackle some of the socio-economic challenges in the country. This presentation will discuss of the interesting problems that High performance Computing was applied successfully to demonstrate its impact. The talk will also dwell in the current status of the HPC in South Africa and future plans.

National Supercomputing Mission: Development of HPC Technologies through Indigenous Efforts
Ashish P. Kuvelkar
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune, India

The National Supercomputing Mission is Government of India's initiative to build capacity and capability in the area of High Performance Computing in the country. It includes deployment of HPC systems, development of HPC Applications of national interest, research and development of next generation technologies and HPC aware human resource development. The talk will discuss the indigenous efforts being made to develop various components and subsystems needed to build HPC systems, in order to achieve self-reliance.

Electron-photon computing systems for processing large amounts of data
Dmitry Linnik

Monday, September 23, 2024, 11:45-13:30
Keynote Session 2
Conference Hall

Presentation of the book "Accelerated Computing with HIP"
Timur Paltashev
ITMO University

Supercomputer Efficiency: Challenges, Trends, Experience
Alexander Naumov, Russia

Energy-efficient computing infrastructure for advanced scientific research
Alexander Moskovsky
CEO of RSC Group of Companies

Alternative solutions for complex calculations
Alexander Pashnin
AMD Technologie and E-Flops, Russia

Digital engineering: development of digital twins and digital certification of industrial products
Alexey Borovkov
Vice-rector for Digital Transformation of SPbPU, Head of SPbPU Advanced Engineering School "Digital Engineering"

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 г., 17:00-18:00
Keynote Session 3
Conference Hall

Awarding and Conference Closing
Vladimir Voevodin 
Moscow State University, Russia